Will The Trump Administration Take A Hard Line Against Pakistan? - NEWS UPDATE

Selasa, 18 Juli 2017

Will The Trump Administration Take A Hard Line Against Pakistan?

DW: 'Trump administration has zero patience for Pakistan's terror policy'

The US is aiming to impose aid restrictions on Pakistan. In an interview with DW, analyst Michael Kugelman says if there's one US administration likely to take a hard line against Pakistan, it's the Trump administration.

DW: Is the US government finally taking a hard line against Pakistan?

Michael Kugelman: A tougher policy is certainly a strong possibility. If there is one US administration likely to take a hard line against Pakistan, it's the Trump administration. Trump projects himself as tough on terror and takes a very principled and strident approach to terror - it needs to be wiped out, wherever it is and in whatever form. It would seem that Trump would have zero patience for Pakistan's policy of going after some terrorists while letting others be.

There has been speculation that the US could expand the drone war and cut Pakistan funds. The harshest critics of Pakistan believe that the US government should revoke Pakistan's status as a major non-NATO ally or even declare it as a state sponsor of terror. These extremely tough policies may well be in the policy tool-kit, though my sense is that the aid cuts and drone strikes would be more likely.

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WNU Editor: For the moment the White House appears to be pushing this agenda .... Trump administration considers trading 'carrots' for 'sticks' on Pakistan: report (The Hill). But if there is ever a country that needs to be called out on turning a blind eye to terror groups .... it is Pakistan.

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