U.S. Allies In The Middle East Want President Trump To Continue Engagement With Russia - NEWS UPDATE

Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

U.S. Allies In The Middle East Want President Trump To Continue Engagement With Russia

US counter-ISIS special presidential envoy, Brett McGurk. Thaier Al-Sudani/Reuters

Joel Gehrke, Washington Examiner: Top counter-ISIS official: Middle East allies favor 'engagement with Russia'

US allies in the Middle East want President Trump to continue "engagement with Russia," according to a top counter-Islamic State official at the State Department.

"Engagement with Russia on Syria is something that nearly all of our partners here in the region have encouraged, including our friends here in Iraq," Brett McGurk, the special presidential envoy who has been leading the counter-ISIS effort since 2015, told reporters in Iraq. "So that engagement, of course, will continue."

Trump's desire for rapprochement with Russian President Vladimir Putin has proven controversial for months, due to the parallel issue of the 2016 cyberattacks against the Democratic party and Trump's hesitance to acknowledge Russia's culpability. But McGurk said it has already paid dividends in the counter-ISIS fight.

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WNU Editor: American allies in the Middle East may want the U.S. to be engaged with Russia to settle the problems in the Middle East .... but the sentiment in Washington is to do anything but that. My prediction .... the U.S. is going to have to make a choice when it comes to Syria .... cooperate and work with Russia to stabilise the situation in Syria, leave the country to its fate .... which has been a continuous mess now for 7 years, or be ready to commit thousands of U.S. ground troops and billions of dollars to do it alone in eastern Syria. Of the three choices, working with Russia is by far the best decision .... but how long will it take before that idea is acceptable in Washington .... sighhh .... your prediction is as good as mine.

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