Do Russian Intelligence Agents Retire? - NEWS UPDATE

Minggu, 16 Juli 2017

Do Russian Intelligence Agents Retire?

Ralph Peters, New York Post: No one ever truly retires from Russian intelligence

Of all the creatures rumored to roam the earth, we can be certain that three do not exist: unicorns, fire-breathing dragons and �former� Russian intelligence agents. Moscow�s security services are like the mob: Once you�re in, you�re in for life. Whether the �former� spy or hit man is doing billion-dollar deals through Cypriot banks or running a tanning parlor in Murmansk, when the capo di capo calls, the game�s back on.

We can�t take the measure of Russians by applying American rules. Here, when you leave an intelligence agency, you leave your access and duties completely behind you (unless you go to work for a Beltway Bandit, in which case there�s a record of your employment). When I retired from US Army Military Intelligence, I was �read off� and could not be tapped for classified work any longer, unless I were formally rehired and processed for a renewed security clearance.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I was about to make a joke on this story .... that KGB/FSB officers will only retire when they get a better job and/or promotion .... but it does deserve a serious answer.

I can only speak for myself .... but over the years the people who I met that I felt confident were KGB/FSB were always serious and never happy .... but when they got promoted to a high government position and/or started their own business and/or immigrated to the West .... their mood completely changed to one of always being happy and pleasant to be with .... it was almost as if they were set free. There was one person who was in the Soviet delegation at ICAO (when I worked there from 1989 to 1993) who I strongly believed was KGB .... and so did many in the press (see link here). I was always leery of him .... and he was always leery of me. He knew that I wanted reforms and change in the Soviet Union .... but he always left me alone because (and I can only guess) that he did not feel comfortable about who I knew back home .... though I am sure he checked. Years later I met him in Saint Petersburg at an economic seminar where people were debating on what was needed to reform the Russian economy. His character and mood was completely different .... pleasant to be with, gracious, and filled with humour. And in his lecture and Q&A ..... he was as capitalist as you can get .... free markets, minimal government regulations, etc.. But here is the punchline .... he was also (until he retired a few years ago) .... one of President Putin's first economic advisers. He also became (so I was told) a Canadian citizen. It makes you wonder ....

As for Ralph Peters (the writer of the above New York Post commentary) .... I have seen him more than once on the cable networks .... and he has totally jumped the shark on Russia-gate .... labelling those who criticise him and/or want evidence  on what he is claiming as either Putin stooges or worse. He is not helping the debate .... but sadly .... that is the state of much of the U.S. media today.

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